A couple of months ago I purchased a compact digital camera, the Canon SD 750, to carry w/me on rides. A cool sunset, wildlife, Ron G.'s face plant into a mud bog- you never know what you're going to see on any given ride, so I wanted to be ready at all times. It's now one more thing on the mental checklist before each ride. Bike-check, helmet- check, shoes-check, jersey/shorts- check, hammer gel- check, a charged MP3 player -check, CAMERA- check. I have been carrying the camera on every ride.
I was climbing the fire road at the cove this A.M and saw a three black bears. It looked to be a mother with her two cubs. Mom was at the top a very tall tree, and the cubs were just below her. My heart was pumping. I was pretty excited that I could get a picture. I reached for the camera. Where was it? Of course, it was in the truck!